Criminal Justice Management

Sample Questions

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Chapter 1

  1. In Box 1.1 we outline the basic structure of the state courts. Please list and explain the major jurisdictional/court levels within this system, what types of courts fall under each level, and what types of cases each court level may hear?
  2. In Box 1.2 we introduce you to the key definitions of police, court, and correctional justifications for sanctioning. In your own words, please explain the significant differences between retribution and rehabilitation.
  3. Describe the organizational structure of a hypothetical police department, a courtroom, and a correctional facility (either jail or prison).
  4. In this chapter we briefly highlight the common characteristics of the clients of the criminal justice system. Please give a short summary description of these clients and offer at least one reason why there are disproportionate numbers within certain groups of offenders.

© Peter Collins

Chapter 2

  1. Please define the term “bureaucracy.” In addition, please discuss Weber’s characteristics of a bureaucracy, as highlighted in Box 2.1.
  2. Please list and describe the common factors that influence the criminal justice organization.
  3. Discuss in detail the Pendleton Act of 1883. Why was it passed? What did it create? Be sure to tie in the idea of neutral competency. Finally, offer a discussion of the Hatch Act of 1939 and how it relates to the idea of neutrality.
  4. One section of Chapter Two discusses the idea that the government is, and should be, different than the public sector. Discuss the various reasons for these differences.

© Peter Collins

Chapter 3

  1. How do Lee and Visano (1994) define official deviance? Offer examples of official deviance. What were their results in their analysis of the behavior of criminal justice actors? What remedies do Lee and Visano (1994) offer to curb official deviance?
  2. What are the key indicators of excessive use of force in corrections that managers and staff should pay careful attention to? What are the ways excessive force can be avoided?
  3. Pollock (1998), in her work Ethics in Crime and Justice: Dilemmas and Decisions, highlights the ethical frameworks that fall under the Deontological and Teleological Ethical Systems. First, define these systems, noting the differences between each. In addition, please define and discuss the ethical frameworks that fall under these systems.

© Peter Collins

Chapter 4

  1. Van Riper (1987) discusses the six attributes of administrative state as presented by Max Weber. In addition, he discusses four more that he feels are necessary attributes. Please discuss these ten attributes, including what they are and their importance.
  2. Please discuss Systems Theory. What is it? Who contributed to the theory? How can it be applied to organizations today?
  3. Please discuss Human Relations or Human Resource Theory. What are the major components of it? Who were the major contributors? How does it differ from the Traditional Theory of Management?
  4. Please discuss Theory X and Y. Why did McGregor (1957) believe that those who followed Theory X were fundamentally wrong?
  5. Please discuss modern Human Relations Theories and Techniques. Include discussions of Theory Z, TQM, MBO, and Learning Organizations.

© Peter Collins

Chapter 5

  1. This chapter highlights many purposes for communication. Discuss these purposes. In addition, describe how the various actors in the criminal justice system use these purposes to carry out their jobs.
  2. There are barriers to effective communication at both the interpersonal and organizational levels of an organization. Please contrast these two different types of barriers and discuss the specific barriers for each type.
  3. The text offers many ways to improve the barriers of communication. Please discuss, in detail, the various ways these barriers can be overcome.

© Peter Collins

Chapter 6

  1. Socialization is critical in most environments. Explain three types of socialization that might occur when choosing a new career.
  2. Please describe what exactly a role is as well as conflicts or problems that may arise whenever an employee has a specific role.
  3. Discuss what it means to have power as well as types of authority that one can potentially wield according to Weber.

© Peter Collins

Chapter 7

  1. Leadership is defined in a number of ways. Please describe how the major figures mentioned in the chapter describe the nature and development of different types of leadership.
  2. In this chapter we touch on the origin of leadership traits. Please describe the arguments on the origin of leadership. Incorporate the theories of leadership into your answer.
  3. Discuss the importance of adaptability to changing situations as an essential skill or trait that all leaders must possess. Why?
  4. In your own words, discuss the responsibilities and expectations that a good criminal justice leader should be able to manage. Give an example.

© Peter Collins

Chapter 8

  1. Discuss in depth, job valid requirements that most criminal justice agencies use. Also mention legal disqualifiers that could preclude someone from employment.
  2. Discuss the various stages of the selection process that an individual wishing to gain employment in a criminal justice field would have to go through.
  3. Discuss the types of training that a prospective police officer is expected to complete, including academy, field, and on-the-job training.
  4. Performance evaluations are administered in most criminal justice agencies. Describe how managers can effectively incorporate these evaluations and appraisals into everyday management.
  5. It is costly to hire and train an employee. Discuss possible strategies for retention as well as problems that are faced by criminal justice agencies in this regard.

© Peter Collins

Chapter 9

  1. Because diversity in the workplace has been targeted as an important aspect of the modern organization, please describe and discuss how leaders are attempting to manage diversity in this day and age.
  2. Describe the type of positions that are available within the criminal justice system as well as the type of employees who usually apply for and fill these positions.
  3. Discuss the impact of affirmative action and equal opportunity on the modern workforce, including its effect on the criminal justice system.
  4. Please discuss the issues of discrimination that have arisen in the modern workforce, including relevant criticism of affirmative action and other policies. Also discuss relevant cases as they pertain to this debate.

© Peter Collins

Chapter 10

  1. Please discuss the long-standing argument of whether treatment or security is a more effective model for rehabilitating offenders. Be sure to highlight both sides of the debate.
  2. Life in a correctional institution is undoubtedly harsh. Please discuss strategies and methods that inmates use to cope with their incarceration.
  3. Treatment programs vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Describe some of the common management techniques that administrators can use to make sure that these programs are implemented effectively.
  4. Describe the challenges and complexities involved with the use of force within the criminal justice field. Also discuss the difficulties faced by those who are granted the ability to lawfully use force against another individual.
  5. Discuss how courts and the legal professionals who work in them accredit themselves and their institutions.

© Peter Collins

Chapter 11

  1. Please outline and discuss the components of effective strategic planning.
  2. Describe the four stages of the budget process and the parts involved in each particular stage.
  3. Recap the recent history of budgeting and planning as it pertains to modern criminal justice organizations.
  4. Please discuss budget strategies that organizations can use to increase their success in influencing budgetary decisions.

© Peter Collins

Chapter 12

  1. Please highlight the importance of a skillful decision maker within the context of a criminal justice organization. Also discuss what makes a person an effective decision maker.
  2. Please discuss the major everyday obstacles that a decision maker should expect to encounter, and be prepared to deal with. Give an example scenario and solution.
  3. Please discuss one of the major logical fallacies discussed in this chapter. How can this affect decision making? Give an example.
  4. As human experience evolves, various factors that affect decision making will arise. Discuss ways in which managers can improve their decision making.

© Peter Collins

Chapter 13

  1. Describe the nature of consilience as it pertains to the academic field of criminal justice. List the relevant segments that make up our field.
  2. Describe how organizational change may be necessary for certain criminal justice agencies to adapt to future situations and conditions.
  3. Discuss how human relations are critical in maintaining an effective management policy.
  4. Please discuss the suggestions for incorporating a human relations flavored version of Model Management Practices into the criminal justice workplace.

© Peter Collins