Spanish Grammar in Context, 3rd Edition

Chapter 28: Prepositions

Exercise 1

Complete the sentences with a, de or en.

Exercise 2

Complete the sentences with hasta, hacia, desde or entre.

Exercise 3

Complete the sentences with por or para.

Exercise 4

Complete the sentences with a, de, por or en.

Exercise 5

Choose an appropriate preposition to complete the sentence.

Exercise 6

Exercise 7

Exercise 8

Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition.

Exercise 9

Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition.

Exercise 10

Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition.

Exercise 11

Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition.

Exercise 12

Complete the text with appropriate prepositions.

Exercise 13

Find out more about the work of these agricultural archaeologists by completing the text with appropriate prepositions.

Exercise 14

Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition.