Teaching Primary Science – Promoting Enjoyment and Developing Understanding

Resources to support chapters

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Web resources

Nonfiction and story books to support learning in science

Teachers TV videos

General resources

The Children’s University of Manchester: www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/science/

SPACE (Science Processes and Concept Exploration) project research reports can be found as pdf files at: www.stem.org.uk/elibrary/collection/3324/space-research-reports

National STEM Centre has a wealth of useful resources: www.stem.org.uk/audience/primary

Science nursery rhymes (you will need to register on the STEM site to access resources – this is free): www.stem.org.uk/elibrary/resource/29003

Hwb, Digital Learning for Wales, a range of resources, IWB, interactive, paper-based and video:

BBC Learning Zone: www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/

BBC Bitesize: www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/science/

Crickweb – free educational interactive teaching resources and activities for primary schools: www.crickweb.co.uk/ks2science.html

Fossweb – an American site with a range of interactive activities and teacher support material: http://fossweb.schoolspecialty.com/

Science and Plants for Schools – a wealth of resources to support germination and growth in plants: www.saps.org.uk

Primary Resources – power points, interactive games, suggestions for investigations etc. supplied by teachers:

Ofsted report (2010–2013) on ‘Maintaining Curiosity – a survey into science education in schools’: www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/379164/Maintaining_20curiosity_20a_20survey_20into_20science_20education_20in_20schools.pdf

A large number of resources can be found at this site including activities – both interactive and teaching – suitable for KS1 and KS2: http://homeworkhelp.stjohnssevenoaks.com/science/index.html

Reach Out CPD – primary resources:

Royal Institution videos – simple science activities: www.rigb.org/families/experimental

Primary Science Key Ideas CLEAPSS – a useful reference for the range of science ideas tackled in the primary classroom: www.cleapss.org.uk/download/E264.pdf

Popular Science book review site: www.popularscience.co.uk/?page_id=333

Poetry books to support learning across all areas of science:
Scieszka. J., (2004), Science Verse, Puffin
Rosen, M., (2000), Centrally Heated Knickers, Puffin

Science poems: http://sciencepoems.net/

Useful list of poetry resources: www.booklistonline.com/Classroom-Connections-Connecting-Science-and-Poetry/pid=6390243


The Teachers TV Archive can be found at:

1: The pleasure of finding things out


Landroth, S., & Moreiro, E., (2005), Why Explore, Tricycle Press

Claybourne, A., & Larkum, A., (2008), The Story of Science, Usborne

Using a crime scene setting to enthuse and engage Y6 children: http://archive.teachfind.com/ttv/www.teachers.tv/series/crime-scene-investigation.html

2: Views of science learning


Nuffield Science Curriculum materials based on SPACE (Science Processes and Concept Exploration):



3: Organising how children learn

SciCentre – Primary Science Classroom Organisation: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kz2c5OJ5Yx0


KS1 Light session – looks at organising a circus of activities to support learning about aspects of light: http://archive.teachfind.com/ttv/www.teachers.tv/videos/ks1-science-light.html


4: Scientific understanding and mental models




5: Talk for learning in science

Journal article from the ‘Thinking Together’ project:

Royal Society of Chemistry ­– videos about children’s exploratory talk in primary school science and ways to encourage constructive talk and lead children to investigative activities:


Running discussions in KS2 science: http://archive.teachfind.com/ttv/www.teachers.tv/videos/running-discussions-in-a-ks2-class.html

Role play to support learning in science at KS2: http://archive.teachfind.com/ttv/www.teachers.tv/videos/teaching-the-ks2-role-play-lesson.html

6: Scientific enquiry and the passionately curious

Teaching science with stories: www.naturestory.com/Resources/PDF2watermarkedScienceTeach.pdf

A video looking at using the BFG by Roald Dahl to stimulate work om materials:


Il Sung Na, (2008), The Thingamabob, Meadowside Children’s Books [nn elephant finds a curious red object and tries to find out what to do with it]

Winter, J., (2011) The Watcher, Schwartz and Wade [Jane Goodall’s life with the chimps (emphasises observation and the scientific process)]

Organising science investigations: http://archive.teachfind.com/ttv/www.teachers.tv/videos/ks1-ks2-science-practically-science.html

Lesson starters:

Engaging children through a science magic show: http://archive.teachfind.com/ttv/www.teachers.tv/videos/magic-science-and-maths.html

7: Planning and assessing children’s science learning

2016 Guidance on teacher assessment at KS2: www.gov.uk/government/publications/2016-teacher-assessment-exemplification-ks2-science

2010 – NFER review of Assessment for Learning in Primary Science:

STEM: Primary School Science Assessment:


KS1 science – following one child’s experience of learning about plants and the parts we can eat: http://archive.teachfind.com/ttv/www.teachers.tv/videos/ks1-ks2-science-ks1-learning-with-scarlet-lesson-review.html

KS2 science – Nicole’s experience of learning about plants and growing: http://archive.teachfind.com/ttv/www.teachers.tv/videos/ks1-ks2-science-ks2-learning-with-nicole.html

8: Learning outside the classroom


Natural England report on learning outside the classroom in natural environments:

STEM blog – learning outside the classroom (useful links included): www.stem.org.uk/blog/learning-outside-classroom

Teaching outside the classroom from Reach Out CPD: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp4YpBChXXY

Woodland Trust outdoor learning pack:

Norfolk Schools primary resources:


A series of 6 videos looking at learning outside the classroom in various settings:

9: STEM Education


STEM primary resource page: www.stem.org.uk/primary-science


How STEM subjects are introduced and supported in primary schools:

10: The origins of scientific knowledge

Invigorate from the Royal Society – KS2 resources related to the work of famous historical figures in science: http://invigorate.royalsociety.org/ks2/storm-warning.aspx

Mortensen, L., (2010), Come See the Earth Turn, Tricycle Press [the story of Louis Foucault who first demonstrated the spin of the Earth]

Christensen, B., (2012), I, Galileo, Alfred A Knopf


11: The Earth and beyond

KS2 (some KS1) teaching resource including children’s activities: www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/science/earthandbeyond/

STEM Space resources: www.stem.org.uk/elibrary/list/10368/space-primary-resources

NASA Education resources: www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/k-4/index.html

Milbourne, A., (2011), On the Moon, Usborne

Brown, D., (2001), One Giant Leap, Houghton Mifflin [the story of Neil Armstrong]

Branley, F., (2008), What makes day and night? HarperCollins

Spinelli, E., & Priceman, M (2012), Cold snap, Random House

Donaldson, J., (2002), Night monkey, day monkey, Egmont

Sklansky, A., & Schuett, S., (2012), Out of this world: Poems and facts about Space, Alfred A. Knopf

Coby, H., (2005), The birth of the Moon, North-South Books

Hughes, S., (2007), Earth to Audrey, Kids Can Press

Jeffers, O., (2008), The way back home, HarperCollins



12: Energy and the well-being of the planet

KS2 teaching resources for ‘what is energy?’, ‘how do we make electricity?’, ‘renewable and non-renewable’ and ‘energy and global warming’: www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/science/energy/

Our Planet resource page: www.ourplanet.org.uk/our-planet-teaching-resources.asp

The POD education resources from EDF energy – sustainability and alternative sources of energy: http://jointhepod.org/home

Drummond, A., & Drummond, C., (2011), Energy island: How one community harnessed the wind and their world, Farrar Strauss Giroux

Van Allsburg, C., (2011), Just a dream, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt [about recycling, pollution]


13: Interdependence

KS2 Teaching resources, including children’s activities for habitats and living things: www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/science/microorganisms/

BBC Bitesize – plant and animal habitats: www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/science/living_things/plant_animal_habitats/read/1/



Bruce, L., (2000), Fran’s flower, Bloomsbury [about plant growth]

McKinney, B., (2000), Pass the energy please, Dawn [food chains]

Reed-Jones, C., (2000), The tree in the ancient forest, Dawn [interdependence]

Lawlor, L., (2012), Rachel Carson and her book that changed the world, Holiday House

Brown, R., (2010), Ten Seeds, Andersen [plant life cycles]

Cherry, L., (2000), The Great Kapok Tree, Harcourt Brace [interdependence]

Looking at a range of habitats across the seasons:

14: Diversity

Biology changing the world – the identification and classification of species resources: www.stem.org.uk/elibrary/resource/35298

BBC Bitesize – lifecycles: www.bbc.co.uk/education/topics/z4vv4wx/videos/1

Jenkins, M., (2008), The Emperor’s Egg, Walker [life cycles]
Caine, S., (2011), The crunching munching caterpillar, Little Tiger Press [life cycles]

Carle, E., (1997), The tiny seed, Puffin [plant germination and growth]

KS2 scientist and author Steve Jones teaches about genetic diversity to KS2 children: http://archive.teachfind.com/ttv/www.teachers.tv/videos/steve-jones.html

15: Adaptation and evolution

Biology changing the world – evolution resources: www.stem.org.uk/elibrary/resource/35298

BBC Bitsize – adaptation and Interdependence: www.bbc.co.uk/education/topics/zvhhvcw/resources/1

Primary science lesson idea – adaptation: www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBx7eDBNRM8

STEM – Y6 evolution and inheritance: www.stem.org.uk/elibrary/list/12648/year-6-evolution-and-inheritance

Jenkins, M., (2008), The Emperor’s egg, Walker [adaptation]

Carle, E., (1988), The mixed up chameleon, Puffin

Hopkinson, D., (2010), The humblebee hunter, Hyperion [Charles Darwin and his children investigate bees]

Swinburne, S., & Peterson, M., (2010), Ocean soup: A book of tide pool poems, Charlesbridge[habitats]

Chin, J., (2012), Island: A story of the Galapagos, Flash Point

Miche, M., (2012), Nature’s patchwork quilt: Understanding habitats, Dawn

Cooper, E., (2006), Bear dreams, Greenwillow [hibernation]

A whole series of videos designed to support learning about evolution:

16: Health and wellbeing

Upper KS2 animals including humans: www.zygotebody.com

Upper KS2 animals including humans
(children’s activities: find the missing body parts, drugs word search, diagnosing illness): www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/science/bodyandmedicine/

Lower KS2 animals including humans (children’s activities: healthy food matching pairs, teeth and eating word search): www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/science/teethandeating/

KS1 animals including humans and KS1/KS2 sound and light (children’s activities – matching pairs, word search): www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/science/brainandsenses/

KS1 animals including humans and lower KS2 animals including humans (children’s activities: Olympics 2012 word search): www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/science/exercise/

French, V., (1995), Oliver’s vegetables, Hodder

Carle, E., (1994), The very hungry caterpillar, Puffin

Browne, E., (2006), Handa’s surprise, Scholastic

Bedford, D., The healthy wolf, Magi

Moore, I., (2004), Six dinner Sid, Hodder

Tolstoy, A., (2006), The gigantic turnip, Barefoot Books

Hoban, R., (2008), Bread and jam for Frances, HarperTrophy

Chamberlain,M., & Chamberlain, R., (2006), Mama Panya’s pancakes, Barefoot Books

Bas, J., (2005), Herb the vegetarian dragon, Barefoot Books

Ravishankar, A., (2007), To market! To market! Tara Books

Carle, E., (1999), From head to toe, Puffin [body parts and movement]
Brown, M., (1998), Arthur’s chickenpox, Red Fox

Cousins, L., (2000), Maisy takes a bath, Candlewick

KS2 Using role play to look at the link between health and diet:


17: The particle nature of materials

States of matter: www.succeedingwithscience.com/resource.php?id=12

Woodlands School – properties of materials and solids, liquids and gases for KS1/KS2: http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/revision/science/changingmaterials.htm#2

Keats , E., (1976), The snowy day, Puffin [change of state]

McKinney, B., (1999), A drop around the world, Dawn [the water cycle]

Bailey, J., (2004), A drop in the ocean, A & C [water cycle]

Paul, R., (2007), The King’s bubbles, Scholastic New Zealand [bubbles]

Velthuijs, M., (1994), Frog in winter, Andersen [thermal insulation]

Graham, M., (2001), Splish splash, Houghton Mifflin [poems about water]


KS1/KS2 properties of materials lesson starter: http://archive.teachfind.com/ttv/www.teachers.tv/videos/properties-of-fabrics-the-cross-country-run.html

KS1/KS2 – the nature of materials (children investigate separating solids and liquids): http://archive.teachfind.com/ttv/www.teachers.tv/videos/ks1-ks2-science-practically-science.html

KS2 evaporation and condensation lesson starter:

18: Changing materials

Biology changing the world – rocks and soils resources: www.stem.org.uk/elibrary/resource/35298

BBC Bitesize – changing materials: www.bbc.co.uk/education/topics/zcvv4wx/videos/1

RSC – changing materials: www.rsc.org/learn-chemistry/resource/res00000913/primary-demonstrations-changing-materials?cmpid=CMP00001122

STEM – properties and changes of materials: www.stem.org.uk/elibrary/resource/35390


Roberts, L., (2007), Little red: A fizzingly good tale, Pavilion [changing materials]

DePaola, T., (1988), The legend of the Indian Paintbrush, Putnam [dyes]

DePaola, T., (1984), Strega Nona’s magic lessons, Voyager [kitchen chemistry]

Van Allsburg, C., (2012), Two bad ants, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt [crystals, kitchen chemistry]

Blume, J., (2001), Freckle juice, Macmillan

Dahl, R., (2007), George’s marvellous medicine, Puffin

Steig, W., (1986), Gorky rises, Square Fish

KS2 – making new materials: http://archive.teachfind.com/ttv/www.teachers.tv/videos/how-stuff-changes.html

19: Electricity and magnetism

BBC Bitesize – electrical circuits:

STEM – electricity:

BBC Bitesize – magnets: www.bbc.co.uk/education/topics/zyttyrd/videos/1

STEM – forces and magnets: www.stem.org.uk/elibrary/resource/33018

Background knowledge: www.ase.org.uk/resources/scitutors/subject-knowledge/k41-electricity-and-magnetism/

The Institute of Physics –
electricity: www.iop.org/activity/outreach/resources/pips/topics/electricity/index.html

The Institute of Physics – forces and magnets: www.iop.org/activity/outreach/resources/pips/topics/forces_magnets/index.html

Waring, G., (2008), Oscar and the bird, Walker [Oscar the kitten learns about electricity]

Bailey, J., (2004), Charging about: The story of electricity, A & C Black

Pilegard, V., (2002), The warlord’s fish, Pelican [magnetism]

Hughes, T., (2005), The iron man, Faber and Faber [metals, electricity, magnetism]

KS2 electrical circuits: http://archive.teachfind.com/ttv/www.teachers.tv/videos/ks2-science-electricity-circuits.html

KS2 electricity – using IWB to support learning (from 8 mins in): http://archive.teachfind.com/ttv/www.teachers.tv/videos/science-electricity-and-planets.html

KS2 electricity role play activities: http://archive.teachfind.com/ttv/www.teachers.tv/videos/ks2-science-electricity-circuits.html


20: Forces and motion

BBC Bitesize – forces and motion:

STEM – forces and motion: www.stem.org.uk/elibrary/resource/30668

The Institute of Physics – forces and gravity: www.iop.org/activity/outreach/resources/pips/topics/forces_gravity/index.html

Cobb, V., (2004), I fall down, HarperCollins [gravity]

Bailey, J., (2007), Down to Earth: The story of gravity, A & C Black

Mayer, L., (2010), Newton and me, Sylvan Dell - forces and motion
Allen, P., (1994), Mr Archimedes’ bath, Puffin [floating and sinking]

Allen, P., (1998), Who sank the boat?, Puffin [floating and sinking]

KS1/KS2 teaching forces and motion in the primary classroom:


21: Light

BBC Bitesize – light and shadows:


Exploratorium light activities: www.exploratorium.edu/snacks/subject/light

The Institute of Physics – light: www.iop.org/activity/outreach/resources/pips/topics/forces_magnets/index.html

Waring, G., (2007), Oscar and the moth, Walker

Waddell, M., & Firth, B., (2005), Can’t you sleep little bear?, Walker

Tomlinson, J., (2004), The owl who was afraid of the dark, Egmont

Roth, S., (2007), Creak, thump, bonk, Simon Pulse

Asch, F., (1999), Moonbear’s shadow, Sos Free Stock [shadows]

Hodgkinson, L., (2009), Colin and the wrong shadow, Orchard

Stevenson, R., My shadow

Donaldson, J., & Scheffer, A., (2005), The gruffalo’s child, Macmillan [light and dark and shadows]

KS1 light – we need light to see (lesson starter): http://archive.teachfind.com/ttv/www.teachers.tv/videos/ks1-science-light.html

KS1 light – we need light to see (lesson review):

KS2 light – shadows: http://archive.teachfind.com/ttv/www.teachers.tv/videos/ks2-science-making-shadows.html

22: Sound

BBC Bitesize – understanding sound: www.bbc.co.uk/education/clips/z9h6n39


The Institute of Physics – sound: www.iop.org/activity/outreach/resources/pips/topics/sound/

Waring, G., (2007), Oscar and the bat, Walker

Carle, E., (1997), The very quiet cricket, Puffin

Cumberbatch, J., (2007), Can you hear the sea? Bloomsbury

KS1/KS2 lesson starter – how we detect sound: http://archive.teachfind.com/ttv/www.teachers.tv/videos/how-we-hear.html

KS2 – investigation into sound insulation: http://archive.teachfind.com/ttv/www.teachers.tv/videos/ks1-ks2-science-investigating-sound.html