The Media Handbook, 5th Edition

Chapter Summaries

Chapter 1: What Is Media?

This chapter explains the role of media in consumers’ lives, and categorizes the various media forms into paid, owned, and earned types. It explores how the role of media works in business, and how it has been changing. The place of advertising within media is examined, along with the roles of those who work in advertising media.

Chapter 2: Media in the Marketing Context

This chapter focuses on the place of media within the larger marketing sphere. It does so by focusing on the relationship between consumers and brands, including the consumer decision process when making a purchase. The competitive marketplace is considered next, covering sales, competitive and market share trends. The end of the chapter assesses budgetary and timing factors.

Chapter 3: Developing Optimal Media Objectives and Strategies

The connection between media objectives and strategies and broader advertising and marketing objectives is the focus of this chapter. Both marketing and advertising objectives are first examined, through the framework of the consumer decision process. The connection of consumers, brands, and media is explained. The chapter then goes more deeply into how to define media objectives in terms of the target audience, communication goals, and any creative requirements.

Chapter 4: Exploring the Media, Part 1: Paid

This chapter begins a three-chapter arc that examines in detail all of the major media forms available to advertisers. It starts with an exploration of various paid media categories, including television, radio, newspapers, magazines, outdoor billboards, Internet (display, search, and online video), and mobile. For each one, the medium is first described in terms of what is available to consumers, how it is considered by advertisers, and key trends. Then the benefits and drawbacks are provided. Last, a summary of key research on the medium is included.

Chapter 5: Exploring the Media, Part 2: Owned

Continuing with the media opportunities, this chapter focuses on the media types that a brand or company can or does own. It includes product placement, brand integration, brand website, sponsorship, and custom events. For each one, the medium is first described in terms of how it can be used by both consumers and advertisers, followed by the major benefits and drawbacks, and a summary of any pertinent research on the medium.

Chapter 6: Exploring the Media, Part 3: Earned

The final chapter dedicated to media formats explores ways that brands can earn an impact with consumers. Here, the forms of word of mouth, social networks, and organic search are each considered. The medium is described first, from a consumer and an advertiser perspective. Primary benefits and drawbacks are given. A summary at the chapter’s end consolidates all the media forms (paid, owned, earned).

Chapter 7: Terms, Calculations, and Considerations

This chapter is dedicated to defining key media terms, both those that are used across formats and those that are specific to one or several media. It first defines standard media terms such as ratings, reach and frequency, and cost per thousand. This is followed by considerations specific to the various types of paid, owned, and earned media.

Chapter 8: Creating the Plan

The chapter’s subject matter, putting a media plan together, begins with assessing the relationship of a brand’s target audience to media. It then considers key factors in a plan, such as reach and frequency, scheduling ads, and cost efficiencies. Tactical considerations are noted, along with tips on how to present the final plan. An example media plan is included. The chapter concludes with various plan alternatives, as well as different ways to test a plan.

Chapter 9: Making the Media Buys

This chapter offers a brief overview of how each of the paid media are purchased, specific to the categories of magazines, newspapers, television, radio, outdoor billboards, and the Internet. Ways to implement owned and earned media are included also.

Chapter 10: Evaluating the Media Plan

The final chapter offers various ways to evaluate the impact and success of a media plan. The four approaches included are preplan analysis, postbuy analysis, custom research, and return on investment evaluation.