Conferences and Conventions: A Global Industry


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Promoting the Wider Benefits of Business Events; summarises information contained in Chapter 10 of ‘Conferences and Conventions: A Global Industry’ but also adds new content on the event bidding strategies of cities as they align such bids with the specific strengths of their local economies. The article emphasizes the need to increase understanding and recognition of the value that conferences and meetings generate in terms of professional development, knowledge transfer, investment generation, technical progress and all the other areas that define why these events happen in the first place.

Step by Strategic Step – How to Incrementally Implement a Strategic Meetings Management Program (first published in One+ magazine and reproduced with permission from Meeting Professionals International) is an excellent summary of Strategic Meetings Management Programs (SMMPs) and the benefits they can provide to meetings organisers and their employing organisations.

Germany. Expertise is reproduced with permission from the German Convention Bureau. It is an innovative, leading-edge publication which describes the key economic sectors (in science and business) of the German regions and how such regions will make attractive and successful hosts to meetings which derive from the same economic sectors, based on the premise that ‘event organisers believe it will become increasingly important to network with experts based in the area surrounding the (conference/meeting) venue’.

Events Are GREAT Britain; is published by the UK’s Business Visits & Events Partnership (and was compiled by Tony Rogers) to highlight the scope and characteristics of the events sector’s various segments (sporting, cultural, outdoor as well as business events). It identifies trends, opportunities, key issues and challenges which, if overcome, will advance Britain’s position as one of the leading destinations for world-class events.


Sources of Research and Market Intelligence on the Business Events Sector is a listing of major reports and research material, both from the UK and worldwide.

‘VisitBritain’s Foresight Issue 110 December 2012’ profiles the trends and characteristics of inbound business tourism to Britain and takes a look at Britain’s trade and investment ties with other parts of the world (reproduced with permission from VisitBritain).