
Please note: This title has recently been acquired by Taylor & Francis. Due to rights reasons, any multimedia resources will no longer be available.

Learning Objectives

  1. What was the importance of the British military tradition to the colonial militia?
  2. What were the cultural contributions of the newly forming militia to colonial society?
  3. What were the military roles of the early colonial militia?
  4. In the practice of warfare, what were the major differences between colonial militia and Native Americans?
  5. What were the major early conflicts between colonists and Native American tribes?
  1. What were the strategic interests of Great Britain and France in the North American colonies?
  2. What was the impact of the various European wars on the military situation of the colonies?
  3. Why was King George’s War such a disaster?
  4. What were the major events in the French and Indian War in North America?
  5. What was the impact of the French and Indian War on the relations between the British military and the colonials?
  1. What were the various acts of Parliament that caused resentment in the colonies?
  2. What were the military dispositions in Great Britain and in its North American colonies in the decade prior to the Revolutionary War?
  3. What were the key engagements early in the Revolutionary War that led to the turning point in the war?
  4. How did the colonists eventually gain the upper hand over British forces?
  5. What happened to the American military forces after the end of the Revolutionary War?
  1. Why did the United States want to maintain a standing army?
  2. What were the early local conflicts that the new Army had to deal with?
  3. What were the circumstances under which West Point Academy was founded?
  4. How was the new Navy built?
  5. How did international affairs lead the U.S. into military engagements?
  1. What were the major events that contributed to the War of 1812?
  2. What were the major events that contributed to the War of 1812?
  3. What were the major events surrounding the campaign of 1814?
  4. How did the U.S. defeat the British in the War of 1812?
  5. What was the situation at the end of the War of 1812?
  1. What was the American military situation after the War of 1812?
  2. What was the role of the military in the Lewis and Clark expedition?
  3. What were the outcomes of U.S. naval expeditions early in the nineteenth century?
  4. Why was Oliver Hazard Perry’s expedition to Japan considered such a success?
  5. Why was Oliver Hazard Perry’s expedition to Japan considered such a success?
  1. How did U.S. military officers begin to see their job as a profession?
  2. What were some influential military treatises written in the wake of the Napoleonic Wars?
  3. What led to war between Mexico and the U.S.?
  4. What were the major engagements in the war with Mexico?
  5. What led to U.S. victory in the Mexican War?
  1. What were the major differences between the North and South and how did these lead to conflicts?
  2. What were the major strategic and tactical ideas that guided the leaders in the Civil War?
  3. What were the major engagements of the Eastern Theater and their outcomes?
  4. What were the major engagements of the Western Theater and their outcomes?
  5. What were the goals and results of Reconstruction?
  1. What were the challenges facing the military after the end of the Civil War?
  2. Why did an upsurge of Indian conflicts follow the Civil War?
  3. How were the U.S. Army and Navy modernized in the second half of the nineteenth century?
  4. How did the U.S. and Spain end up at war?
  5. How did the U.S. get involved in foreign insurrections?
  1. What was the “Punitive Expedition” to Mexico?
  2. How did the U.S. get involved in the Great War in Europe?
  3. How did General Pershing’s ideas conflict with the realities of the Great War?
  4. In what major engagements of the Great War did U.S. forces figure prominently?
  5. What impact did the U.S. naval and air forces have on the Great War?
  1. What changes took place in the U.S. Army after the Great War?
  2. What new ideas regarding air power formed after the Great War?
  3. How did the U.S. Navy develop after the Great War?
  4. How did the U.S. Marines develop after the Great War?
  5. How did war planning develop after the Great War?
  1. What was the U.S. military outlook just prior to the Second World War?
  2. How would you characterize the Pacific theater?
  3. How did U.S. military leadership develop in the Mediterranean campaigns?
  4. How did U.S. military leadership develop in the Mediterranean campaigns?
  5. What was the impact of women and minorities in the war effort?
  1. How was the military reorganized after the end of World War II?
  2. How did integration of the military after World War II occur?
  3. How did the postwar U.S. military policy of containment develop?
  4. What were the major events in the Korean War?
  5. How did the Cold War change the military policy of the U.S.?
  1. What were the U.S. military's strategic contours leading into the Cold War?
  2. What were the major aspects of Eisenhower's "New Look" to the U.S. military?
  3. How did the U.S. become involved in world regional conflicts in the 1950s?
  4. How did the diplomatic crisis related to the U-2 shootdown develop?
  5. What were the major Cold War crises during the Kennedy administration?
  1. How did the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam conflict first develop?
  2. What were the major consequences of the "Americanization" of the Vietnam conflict?
  3. What was the impact of the North Vietnam's Tet Offensive?
  4. What was the impact of the North Vietnam's Tet Offensive?
  5. What were the final stages in the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam conflict?
  1. What was public perception of the military in the aftermath of the Vietnam War?
  2. How did the U.S. military change after the end of the Vietnam War?
  3. What were the major operations by the U.S. military in the late 1970s and 1980s?
  4. What were the major military operations in the Persian Gulf War with Iraq?
  5. What were the major peacekeeping and nation-building operations of the U.S. military in the 1990s?
  1. What were the U.S. military's responses to the attacks of September 11, 2001?
  2. What were the circumstances surrounding Operation Iraqi Freedom?
  3. What mistakes were made in the wake of Operation Iraqi Freedom?
  4. What kinds of difficulties did the U.S. face after Operation Iraqi Freedom?
  5. What changes took place in the U.S. military outlook in the wake of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts?


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  • Language Tip of the Week
    June Casagrande, author of Grammar Snobs are Great Big Meanies. This site offers a useful language, usage and style tips on a weekly basis.
  • Dave's ESL Café
    Professor Dave Sperling This site offers a wide range of resources for students and teachers of English as a second language, including language learning resources, job postings, and discussion forums.
  • MLA Style
    This page includes a description of Modern Language Association (MLA) style guidelines for documenting a research paper with a link to frequently asked questions about the style.
  • CMS Style
    This site includes a description of Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) guidelines for documenting with a comprehensive Q&A section.
  • Research and Documenting Sources
    Purdue University Online Writing Lab This section of the Purdue University OWL offers guidelines for finding, evaluating, and documenting sources, as well as advice on writing research papers.
  • Internet Public Library
    University of Michigan School of Information This site offers an interactive tutorial on identifying the argument of an essay.
  • Librarians' Index to the Internet
    The Library of California Created and maintained by librarians, this site offers a searchable annotated subject directory of Web resources that have been selected and evaluated.
  • American Memory
    Library of Congress This site offers links to the digital versions of selected holdings relevant to American history and culture, including photographs, manuscripts, rare books, maps, and recorded sound and moving pictures.
  • NYPL Digital Gallery
    New York Public Library This site offers access to more than 275,000 digitized images from the collections of the New York Public Library. You can search collections or browse by topic to find illustrations, photographs, posters, maps, and manuscripts.
  • The New York Times
    This online version of the The New York Times includes searchable archives.