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Learning Objectives

  1. How did the native peoples of the Americas document their history and views of the world prior to the arrival of the Europeans?
  2. How did European conquest impact the native peoples of the Americas?
  1. How did humans first arrive in the Americas?
  2. What types of civic, scientific, and architectural innovations did sedentary societies develop?
  3. How was labor and land organized in sedentary societies?
  4. How was warfare conducted in sedentary societies?
  5. How were semisedentary societies organized?
  6. What roles did family and community play in semisedentary societies?
  7. How were nonsedentary societies organized?
  8. On the eve of contact, how did societies in the Americas compare in size and organization with the rest of the world?
  1. What was the European setting like during the fifteenth century?
  2. What was the result of Iberia’s early efforts of exploration?
  3. How did the Spaniards navigate the Caribbean?
  4. How were the Spanish expeditions of conquest organized and how did they function?
  5. How were the sedentary imperial societies conquered?
  6. How were the semisedentary and nonsedentary peoples conquered?
  1. Why were the explorations of the Spanish colonists significant?
  2. How was the indigenous provincial organization retained?
  3. What was the impact of fragmentation?
  4. What were the consequences of demographic collapse?
  5. What were the effects of tribute and labor service systems?
  6. How did the urban Indians differ from other Indians?
  7. How was the mixture of races understood in the Spanish colonies?
  8. How were creative adaptations made by native peoples at the local level?
  9. How did material culture of the native peoples change?
  10. What factors influenced the Christianization of the native peoples?
  11. How were saints incorporated into the religious understanding of the indigenous peoples?
  12. How did language and culture change overall in the Mesoamerican communities?
  13. How did local uprisings reflect the cultural shifts of the native peoples?
  14. How did rapid native population growth affect the culture of the Spanish colonies?
  1. How and why did the Maya of the Yucatan Peninsula migrate and endure the harsh frontier?
  2. What transformations were made by the pacified Maya?
  3. What characterized the relationship between the Portuguese and the indigenous peoples of Brazil?
  4. How did the Spanish interact with the Guarani of greater Paraguay?
  5. How did the Araucanians of Southern Chile react to Spanish intrusion?
  6. What struggles did the Spanish have against the hunters and gatherers of the Mexican Desert in the north of Mexico?
  7. What was the purpose of the missions in Spanish and Portuguese America?
  1. What impact was made by Spain entering eastern North America?
  2. How was southwest North America changed by Spain?
  3. What occurred when the French arrived in Canada?
  4. How and why did the French avoid conflicts over land and authority?
  5. What was the fur trade and how did the Huron people impact it?
  6. What type of warfare did the French use against the Iroquois?
  7. What was the impact of the French settling along the St. Lawrence River in the eighteenth century?
  8. Who lived in and what took place in the Canadian West and Mississippi River Valley in the eighteenth century?
  9. What impact did the Dutch have in New Netherland?
  10. How and why did the Dutch conduct fur trading at Fort Orange?
  11. How did the Dutch settling around New Amsterdam impact the native peoples?
  1. How could the early English undertakings in North America be detailed?
  2. How were the events surrounding Jamestown and the English settlement in the Chesapeake significant?
  3. How did the Puritans settle in New England and begin the rapid transformation of the local peoples?
  4. How could Iroquois life be described during the eighteenth century?
  5. Why were the Carolinas significant in the eighteenth century?
  6. How did European settlements impact life for the native peoples west of the Appalachians in the eighteenth century?
  1. How did the movement of peoples most impact life in both the New and Old Worlds?
  2. What was the most significant impact of the movement of diseases on the native peoples of the Americas?
  3. What role did the movement of animals play in helping to shape life in both New and Old Worlds?
  4. How did the movement of plants between the New and Old Worlds most impact the lives of the peoples living throughout the world?
  5. How did the movement of precious metals help to inspire the first world trade system?
  6. What were some of the most enduring patterns in the Americas following the meeting of European and native Indian cultures?


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  • Language Tip of the Week
    June Casagrande, author of Grammar Snobs are Great Big Meanies. This site offers a useful language, usage and style tips on a weekly basis.
  • Dave's ESL Café
    Professor Dave Sperling This site offers a wide range of resources for students and teachers of English as a second language, including language learning resources, job postings, and discussion forums.