Chapter 7: Homosexuality Bibliography

Key to abbreviations

ANF = The Ante-Nicene Fathers, eds. Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson. (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1951).

NNF - Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, eds. R Schaff and H. Wace, Series II (New York: Christian Literature Co., 1890-1900).

PG = Patrologiae Cursus Completus, ed. Jacques Paul Migne. Series graeca. (Paris: Garnier Fratres, 1857-66).

PL = Patrologiae cursus completus, ed. Jacques Paul Migne. Series latina. (Paris: Garnier Fratres, 1844-64).

Acts of Andrew the Apostle, ANF, v. 8.

Acts of John, ANFy v. 8.

Acts of Paul and Thecla, ANF, v. 8.

Primary Sources

Acts of Thomas, ANF, v. 8.

Aelred of Rievaulx. De spirituali amicita, Opera Omnia, ed. A.C. Hoste and C.H.

Talbot (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepolis, 1971).

Alain de Lille (Alan of Lille). The Complaint of Nature, trans. Douglas M. Moffat

(New York: B. Holt, 1908).

Ambrose. De officiis, PL, v. 16.

Anselm. Letter to the Archdeacon William, PL, v. 159.

Athanasius. Life of St. Anthony, NFF, v. 4.

Athenagoras. A P/ej for the Christians, ANF, v. 2.

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Clement of Alexandria. The Instructor, ANF, v. 2.

Clement of Rome (ascribed author). Clementines, PG, v. 2.

Cyprian. Liber de habitu virginum, PL, v. 4.

Epiphanes. See Clement of Alexandria, Stromateis, III, 2-6, ANF, v. 2.

Epistle of Barnabas, ANF, v. 1.

Gospel According to the Egyptians, in Montague Rhodes James, Apocryphal New Testament (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924).

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Ivo of Chartres. Decretumy PL, v. 161.

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----- . Contre ]ovinieny Oeuvres de Saint Jérôme, ed. M.B. Matougus (Paris: Société

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Justinian. The Civil Law, trans. S.P. Scott (Cincinnati: Central Trust Company, 1932).

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Marbode. Poèmes de Marbode évêque de Rennes, ed. Sigismond Ropartz (Rennes: n.p., n.d.).

Origen. Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, ANF, v. 9.

Pachomus. Chronicles and Rulesy trans. A. Veilleux (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Pub­lications, 1982).

Pacifico Massimo. Hecatelegium, ed. Juliette Desjardins (Paris: Diffusion, C.I.D., 1986).

Passions of Saints Perpetua and Felicitas, in Herbert Musurillo, The Acts of the Chris­tian Martyrs (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972)

Penna, Lucas de (Luca da Penne). Super tres libros codicis (Paris: n.p., 1509).

Peter the Chanter. Verbum abbreviatum, PL, v. 205.

Peter Damian. Liber Gomorrhianus, PL, v. 145.

Peter Lombard. Sententiarum Libri quatuor, PL, v. 192.

Philo Judaeus. Oeuvres (Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1961).

Pseudo-Clement. Recognitions, ANF, v. 8.

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Tatian. Address to the Greeks, ANF, v. 2.

Tertullian. De pudicitia (On Modesty), ANF, v. 4. See also selected works in ANF, w. 3 and 4.

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Voragine, Jacques de Jacopo da Varagine. La legende doree, trans. J.-B.M. Roze (Paris: Gamier Flammarion, 1967).

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