
Welcome to the companion website for the second edition of Oral History Theory by Lynn Abrams. This essential introduction to the theory and practice of oral history has been revised and updated with key new material, and this companion website provides valuable supporting material to extend and enhance the book’s comprehensive treatment of the application of theory to oral history analysis. The new edition of Oral History Theory:

  • Is the only dedicated introduction to theoretical analysis for oral historians
  • Offers a step-by step guide to the theoretical frameworks applied by oral historians
  • Provides examples of the application of theory to oral history material
  • Offers guidance on how to conduct theoretical analysis of oral history material
  • Draws on examples of oral history practice from around the world.

What you will find on this website:

  • Chapter-by-chapter resources for students, including summaries of each chapter, questions for discussion, audio files and transcripts of oral history interviews featured in the text
  • Flashcards and a glossary of key terms
  • Links to related websites
  • Suggestions for further reading
  • A link to the Routledge History Arena, Routledge’s main website for this subject area, where you can find more information about our books, journals and electronic publishing.
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