
In this tab you will find two historical timelines that provide examples of the introduction and development of English in the contexts of Spain (Enever, 2007; Madrid, 2001; Oukhiar, 2010) and Taiwan (Chen, 2006; 2010). After reading about the historical facts of the spread of English around the world and their interpretations by scholars in Strand 1, you may be curious about the historical development of English in specific regions of interest for you. The first activity in Strand 1 encourages you to undertake research in order to establish a timeline for the historical development of English language in your own research, teaching, or learning contexts. You will find the ones here provided useful to think about some of the questions posed in the activity section, or inspirational for your own design.

(For full references of the sources informing these timelines consult Strand 1 Activities)

Historical Overview of English in Spain

A new educational 'Law of Spanish Primary School' contemplates the introduction of English to students around the age of 12–13 (as a subject under the general name of 'Foreign Language' which in principle allows schools to provide a 'first foreign' language of their choice). The law was implemented from 1945 onwards and updated in 1965.
The study of a Foreign Language in Spain is lowered, with English being introduced to students at the age of 8 years.
An agreement is signed between the Spanish Ministry of Education (MEC or Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia) and the British Council to develop a new Spanish-English educational system.
The study of a Foreign Language, and therefore English, at the second cycle of preschool and initial courses of primary school becomes a new goal in the country. This goal is promoted on an optional and experimental basis from the year 2000 onwards.
The compulsory starting age for language learning is lowered once more, and Spanish children schooled in the public national system begin their English studies at the age of 6 years.
Despite the theoretical openess of the Spanish educational policy to allow different 'foreign languages' to be offered as part of the compulsory language study, statistical studies suggest that English is the most studied foreign language in Spain, with more than 90% of students learning English at all levels of education.
By the year 2010 the agreement to provide Spanish-English education was already being implemented in approximately 1600 publicly funded schools throughout the country.

Historical Overview of English in Taiwan

There was little contact with English due to Japanese being the first foreign language until 1945.
English was introduced to the national curriculum as a compulsory subject for secondary level.
English became the only required foreign language in the national education system.
English was implemented at primary level for the first time.
Policies, such as introducing English medium of instruction (EMI) courses, have been implemented to internationalise Taiwanese Higher Education.
English was considered to be made a semi-official language.