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Global Englishes

a resource book for students

Welcome to the companion website for Global Englishes: A resource book for students.

This website was designed to provide readers with supplementary resources to expand their understanding of English in the world.

The panel presents an overview of additional exploratory activities, which are organised according to the eight strands identified in the book, with at least two activities provided per strand. We recommend that you read the content of the strands before approaching the web activities, although this may not always be a requirement. All activities aim to encourage readers to develop their own critical thinking by questioning and evaluating a variety of key aspects in the field of Global Englishes, rather than seeking predefined ‘correct’ responses.

In addition, the website offers flashcards to help you revise main concepts, definitions, and acronyms that appear in the book. You will also find two historical timelines of the introduction and development of English in the contexts of Spain and Taiwan, and four audio files containing a series of recordings undertaken during the ‘lunch breaks’ of a group of postgraduate students at an international university. The provided timelines and audio files are simply examples of development of English in specific contexts and intercultural exchanges among speakers from various lingua-cultural backgrounds. They are not inclusive samples of potential English use due to the immense possibilities for variation that may occur depending on speakers, contexts, and purposes for which it may be taught, learned, and used.

Finally, we would like to point out that there is no prescribed way to use these materials. You may wish to integrate or adapt them in order to suit your needs as teachers, students, or language and linguistics enthusiasts.

Note: unless otherwise indicated, all page references on this website are to:
Jenkins, J. (2014) Global Englishes: A resource book for students (3rd edn), London: Routledge.