Chapter 9 - The Remembering Brain

Links and Media

Documentary clip “Living without memory” featuring Clive Wearing, one of the most densely amnesic patients on record
A test demonstrating implicit memory that you can do yourself
Professor Larry Squire being interviewed about the neural basis of long-term memory
An interview with Alan Baddeley on working memory
Test your own working memory capacity
A lecture from Professor Jamie Ward, author of The Student’s Guide to Cognitive Neuroscience on “The Remembering Brain”

Additional Reading

A paper, including peer commentaries, that argues for a tight coupling between implicit and explicit memory processes
Voss, J. L., Lucas, H. D., & Paller, K. A. (2012). More than a feeling: Pervasive influences of memory without awareness of retrieval. Cognitive Neuroscience, 3(3–4), 193-207.
A contemporary account of working memory, based largely on neuroimaging evidence, that argues that working memory is the temporary activation of long-term memory
D’Esposito, M. (2007). From cognitive to neural models of working memory. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 362(1481), 761–772.
An overview of the “standard consolidation model” that proposes a time-limited role for the hippocampus in the consolidation of memories
Squire, L. R. & Bayey, P. J. (2007). The neuroscience of remote memory. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 17(2), 185–196.
An alternative account to the “standard consolidation model” that argues that the hippocampus and neocortex have different roles, rather than the same memories being transferred between structures
Winocur, G., Moscovitch, M., & Bontempi, B. (2010). Memory formation and long-term retention in humans and animals: Convergence towards a transformation account of hippocampal–neocortical interactions. Neuropsychologia, 48(8), 2339–2356.

