Chapter 13 - Sport and Health Cyberpsychology

Chapter Summary

This chapter provides materials and discussion on issues related to technology and its potential impact on the sporting lives and health behaviours of individual users.

Sport cyberpsychology

  • Part 1 of the chapter examines the potential of new technologies to assist athletes in their preparations for their sport.
  • The use of equipment such as Global Positioning System (GPS) technology is outlined, as is the use of various ‘gaming’ devices, such as exergames (i.e. the WiiFit) to improve athletes’ performances.
  • The psychological benefits of using games to improve athletes’ decision making and reaction times, for example, are outlined.
  • The impact of GPS monitoring on the psychological well-being of players in such team sports as Rugby Union, is questioned, as there is a lack of empirical research in this area. Much of the research to date on this issue has been anecdotal in nature.
  • New technologies may also be beneficial for athletes engaged in rehabilitation from injury.
  • The use of virtual reality technology, specifically to help athletes prepare for a return to their sport following periods of absence due to illness, suspension or injury, for example, is presented.
  • The potential use of new technologies, such as Skype and FaceTime, to assist in the athlete-sport psychologist consulting process is outlined.
  • The benefits and dangers of new technologies, from an ethical and security perspective, are presented. For example, such technologies may result in the consultant being available to an athlete at all times of the day and night. However, this may result in an erosion of the work–life balance for the consultant.
  • Available literature regarding the influence of social media networks (SMN) – namely, Twitter and Facebook - on individuals’ involvement in sport is reviewed.
  • The benefits and dangers of such SMN use by athletes are also outlined – for example, their use of SMNs to promote themselves as business men and women.
  • The use of SMNs may expose the athletes to cyberbullying.

Health cyberpsychology

  • Part 2 of this chapter presents material on the impact of technology in promoting health-related behaviours online.
  • Topics such as the sharing of health-related information online, as well as the benefits and dangers of online support groups are addressed.
  • The use of technology as therapeutic tools for mental health issues are outlined.
  • The benefits and risks of online searches for health information are detailed, focusing on the specific case of hypochondriasis and cyberchondriasis.


  • Some exciting avenues for future research are suggested, such as the introduction of biofeedback tools in exergames and the further exploration of virtual reality technology to assist athletes in their mental preparation for their sport.

Further Reading

This journal, with one of the top impact ratings in the field of Cyberpsychology, will enable instructors to keep up to date on important research being published in this area.

This journal, with one of the top impact ratings in the field of Sport and Exercise Psychology, will enable instructors to keep up to date on important research being published in this area.

Audio and Video links

Audio links

This resource presents a number of podcasts on health-related issues.

Video links

This video details the activities of sport psychologist, Dr John Mathers, as he navigates through his daily routine, helping athletes to improve their performances and supporting students studying to become sport psychologists themselves.

Dr Simon Bignell discusses the impact of cyberpsychology and virtual worlds on his research in devising 3D spaces for students to learn and develop their identities.

This YouTube clip begins by exploring the use of virtual reality technology, Oculus Rift, by the English rugby team, and discussed the strengths and limitations of virtual reality to prepare athletes for their sport. It then goes on to discuss other issues such as the impact of the Internet on life 25 years after its creation.

Useful websites

This link allows instructors to access a paper examining the characteristics of individuals who carry out health-related information searches online.

This company employs various technologies to developed products that help to reduce the risk of injury in professional athletes. Many high-profile teams in various professional sports now use their software to monitor their players.

Multiple Choice Questions

Essay Questions

  1. Discuss the increasing use of new technologies to help athletes mentally prepare for their sport.
  2. Outline the dangers of searching for health-related information online.
  3. Evaluate the research findings advocating the use of Exergames to promote physical activity among young and older populations.
  4. Discuss how consultant sport psychologists might use new technologies to assist in their applied work with their athlete clients.